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Idols & Ideals in marriage

What ideals did you or do you have about this thing we call "marriage"? Let me put it this way, what would you consider to be the perfect marriage ? Go ahead, and think about it. I can wait. Now that you have considered your ideals of marriage, have you ever thought about how these ideals could turn into idols? I am being very serious. First, let's understand what an Idol is? According to, an Idol is a noun. Just kidding, it's " any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion."   The definition of "ideal" is "a standard of perfection or excellence."   Have you seen that line yet? Is thinner than I thought. In my short experience of life, I have seen many people value the symbol of marriage, rather than the actual marriage itself. I have seen women age before their time because they were dealing with a spiritual issue in their marriage with their natural abilities. Did I go too deep too soon? Sorry

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